Simon Wilson
Simon Wilson’s first career was in book publishing, as an economics editor at Routledge, and as a publisher of non-fiction at Random House, specialising in popular business and management books. While there, he published, a bestselling classic of the early days of e-commerce, and The Money or Your Life: Reuniting Work and Joy, an inspirational book that helped inspire its publisher towards a post-corporate, portfolio life.
Since 2001, he has been a writer for MoneyWeek, a financial copywriter, and a long-time contributing editor at The Week. Simon also works as an actor and corporate trainer; current and past clients include investment banks, the Bank of England, the UK government, several Magic Circle law firms and all of the Big Four accountancy firms. He has a degree in languages (German and Spanish) and social and political sciences from the University of Cambridge.
Latest articles by Simon Wilson
Airline industry braces for turbulence
Briefings The economics of airlines make them particularly vulnerable to external shocks, such as the Covid-19 virus outbreak. Flybe was the first to fall. Will there be more?
By Simon Wilson Published
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Does Britain need more runways?
Briefings MPs thought Heathrow needed a new runway and voted for one; the Supreme Court has now scotched the idea. But there are other ways to increase airport capacity that would cost less in environmental terms.
By Simon Wilson Published
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Britain’s new immigration system
Briefings Free movement from the EU ends next year and Britain has taken back control of its borders. What will that mean in practical terms? And who benefits?
By Simon Wilson Published
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What is Britain’s new economic policy?
News At the moment, Britain doesn’t seem to have an economic policy. But radical-seeming announcements and the surprise ousting of the chancellor portend momentous changes.
By Simon Wilson Published
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Have we reached the end of the road for petrol cars?
News The prime minister has said that all new sales of vehicles with internal combustion engines will be banned from 2035. Is that achievable?
By Simon Wilson Published
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Will Britain close its doors to immigrants post-Brexit?
Briefings Details have not yet been forthcoming, but Britain will soon have a new immigration policy. What will that mean for businesses and investors?
By Simon Wilson Published
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The uncertain fate of HS2 – the case for and against
Briefings The prime minister is due to decide whether to go ahead with the controversial high-speed rail link from London to the north. What is he likely to decide, and why? Simon Wilson reports
By Simon Wilson Published
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The coming crisis at the BBC
News The BBC’s chief has quit ahead of what promises to be years of turmoil and conflict with a hostile government. Will the licence fee survive?
By Simon Wilson Published
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Dominic Cummings: the "weirdos" take back control
Briefings The prime minister’s special adviser is planning big changes in the way the government machine works. What can we expect? Simon Wilson reports.
By Simon Wilson Published
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A look at the state of Iran’s feeble economy
Analysis The Islamic Republic is a big player in regional geopolitics, but its economy is weak, its people in revolt and its enemies growing bolder. Simon Wilson reports.
By Simon Wilson Published
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Investors are experiencing a cannabis comedown
Features Things seemed to be turning out well for pot-heads in 2019 – and for the companies that seek to provide for their needs. Then a new, more depressing reality dawned.
By Simon Wilson Published
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What's behind the great French pensions revolt?
Features Workers in France are on strike and taking to the streets to protest against President Macron’s reforms. We’ve seen this play before – but this time the ending may be different.
By Simon Wilson Published
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Will Mexico make progress under AMLO, its controversial president?
Features Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), Mexico’s controversial president, has been in power for a year. Can he solve the country’s chronic problems and help foster faster growth?
By Simon Wilson Published
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The political battle over the NHS
Features Politicians seeking votes are promising ever more money for the NHS. But there may be better ways to rescue the service from its decline.
By Simon Wilson Published
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Labour's plan to bring full-fibre broadband to the whole country
Features Labour has a plan to bring full-fibre broadband to all of Britain's homes and businesses. But will it work, and how much will it cost?
By Simon Wilson Published
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Tories and Labour turn on the spending taps
Features Austerity is officially over as both parties have outlined lavish spending plans. Overseas, too, spending and borrowing are back in fashion. Will the bond markets put up with it?
By Simon Wilson Published
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The return of the wealth tax
Features The changing political climate, particularly in the US, has put the idea of wealth taxes back on the agenda. But does this make economic sense?
By Simon Wilson Published
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Quantum computing: a giant leap forwards
Features Quantum supercomputers had existed only in the imaginations of physicists, but now Google says it has built one. What are the implications? Simon Wilson reports.
By Simon Wilson Published
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Artificial diamonds: a girl’s new best friend
Features Big names such as De Beers are grappling with a cyclical downturn – and a long-term challenge from artificial diamonds. It could change the market beyond recognition. Simon Wilson reports.
By Simon Wilson Published
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Nuclear fusion – what it is, how it works and when it could be powering our lives
Features Securing unlimited clean, safe and carbon-free energy for the rest of time would be revolutionary for the world economy. Is this now within sight?
By Simon Wilson Published
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Europe: the bumpy road to a single market
Features The aim of converting the European nations into a unified economic zone remains an ideal to achieve for the EU. Completing the task should be a primary goal, says Simon Wilson
By Simon Wilson Published
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How Britain became a world leader in wind power
Features Wind power is getting cheaper all the time, making Britain’s aim to curb carbon emissions look ever more achievable. Simon Wilson explains how we got here.
By Simon Wilson Published
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The future of vaping – the "healthier cigarette"
Features A health scare has thrown doubt on the future of the industry catering for the growing numbers of “vapers”. Has Big Tobacco’s corporate strategy just gone up in smoke?
By Simon Wilson Published
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The end of the reign of King Dollar
Features The US dollar has dominated global trade since World War II. But the world has changed and its claim on the throne is under threat.
By Simon Wilson Published