Dominic Frisby
Dominic Frisby (“mercurially witty” – the Spectator) is as far as we know the world’s only financial writer and comedian. He is the author of the popular newsletter the Flying Frisby and is MoneyWeek’s main commentator on gold, commodities, currencies and cryptocurrencies. He has also taken several of his shows to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
His books are Daylight Robbery - How Tax Changed our Past and Will Shape our Future; Bitcoin: the Future of Money? and Life After the State - Why We Don't Need Government.
Dominic was educated at St Paul's School, Manchester University and the Webber-Douglas Academy Of Dramatic Art. You can follow him on X @dominicfrisby
Latest articles by Dominic Frisby
An economics lesson from my barber
Opinion On reopening his shop after lockdown, Dominic Frisby’s barber doubled his prices. It’s all part of the post-Covid inflation process – and we’re going to have to get used to it.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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How “support” and “resistance” can help you spot trading opportunities
Sponsored Technical analysis can help traders manage risk and decide where to enter and exit a trade. One simple form of technical analysis is the concept of “support” and “resistance”. Dominic Frisby explains how you can make it work for you.
By Dominic Frisby Published
This chart pattern could be extraordinarily bullish for gold
Charts The mother of all patterns is developing in the gold charts, says Dominic Frisby. And if everything plays out well, gold could hit a price that investors could retire on.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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What’s a better bet right now: a house in the UK or gold?
Opinion Measured in ounces of gold, UK house prices have been falling for some time. A home now costs the same as it did in 1986. Dominic Frisby looks at how low house prices can go when compared to gold – and why gold is such a good store of value.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Believe it or not, this market is a “buy”
Charts With the world in the state it’s in and the market so volatile, buying stocks right now might go against all your instincts. But that’s just what you should be doing, says Dominic Frisby. Here, he explains why.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Ten reasons inflation could be set to return
Opinion We’ve been living in fear of inflation for over 40 years. Now, however, it could finally be coming. Dominic Frisby outlines ten compelling reasons why.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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These seven charts show exactly why you must own gold today
Analysis Covid-19 is accelerating many trends that were already in existence. The rising gold price is one such trend. These seven charts, says Dominic Frisby, reveal why gold could soon “go bananas”.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Governments’ money-printing mania bodes well for base metals
Tips Money is being printed like there is no tomorrow. Much of it will be used to pay for infrastructure projects – and that will be good for metals, says Dominic Frisby.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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A warning from history about the return of inflation
Opinion The message from past crises is clear: money-printing on the scale we’re seeing it now brings inflation. And while that might feel good at first, says Dominic Frisby, the endgame is grim.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Bitcoin has just “halved” again – what does that mean, and should you buy in?
Advice Cryptocurrency bitcoin has just hit a milestone, where the rate of new coins being produced halves. Dominic Frisby explains what that means.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Buy gold to shield your portfolio from danger and uncertainty
Cover Story This is an era of unprecedented money printing and more bailouts may soon be needed. The geopolitical backdrop is shaky too. In short, there have never been so many reasons to hold gold, says Dominic Frisby.
By Dominic Frisby Published
Cover Story -
Covid-19 could destroy our love affair with the city – here’s how to profit
Opinion People have been drawn to cities throughout history – seeking work, friendship and love. But that could change in a Covid-19 world, says Dominic Frisby. Here, he explains how to profit from the drift away from urbanisation.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Comedy and Covid 19: the lessons for investors
Opinion As Covid-19 drives everyone indoors, live comedy is turning to technology to solve the problem of performing in a lockdown. It’s just one sector among many redefining the way we live and work, says Dominic Frisby.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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The uranium price is finally on the rise – here’s the easiest way to bet on a bull market
Tips The uranium price has been quietly creeping up to hit a four-year high. Dominic Frisby explains what’s behind the rise, and picks the best way to invest.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Why now is the time to own gold – and bitcoin
Analysis The amount of money spent bailing out our financial system is incredible. Every government and central bank is at it. It’s times like these when you need money that can’t be debased, says Dominic Frisby.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Three things matter for the UK housing market now – and “location” isn’t one of them
Opinion The UK housing market is frozen. And when it does eventually thaw out, the traditional factors that drive prices will no longer apply. The day of reckoning may have finally come for house prices.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Gold is hard to find right now – so should you be buying?
News With demand through the roof and the physical metal hard to find, it's not the best time to buy gold. But right now, says Dominic Frisby, you want to hold as much as you can.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Extraordinary times create extraordinary opportunities – these assets look cheap
Tips With the stage set for some monumental fiscal stimulus, this is most definitely a time to own some gold. And if you’re bold enough, says Dominic Frisby, there will be other extraordinary opportunities too.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Silver has almost never been this cheap – but should you buy?
Advice With silver one hundred times cheaper than gold, the silver-gold-price ratio is close to an all-time high. The obvious trade is to sell gold and buy silver, says Dominic Frisby. But is that a wise move?
By Dominic Frisby Published
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The Federal Reserve may have made a huge mistake
Analysis In what looks like a fit of panic, America's central bank cut interest rates yesterday. And the markets didn't like it one bit. Dominic Frisby explains why.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Gold, coronavirus, and the high cost of face masks in northern Italy
Opinion The price of gold is spiking – as it always does in a global panic. But this bull market predates the coronavirus epidemic, says Dominic Frisby, and will continue beyond it.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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The euro’s slide against the US dollar looks set to continue
Analysis The euro has been in a bear market against the US dollar for two years now. And on a broader scale since 2008. A decline like that is telling us something. Dominic Frisby explains what it is.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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You should all own some silver. Just don’t expect it to make you rich
Opinion Silver is cool, beautiful and immensely useful. But for investors it's the most frustrating of metals. Dominic Frisby explains why you should own some. And why it will never make you rich.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Is it time to buy bitcoin? This chart suggests it is
Tutorials Dominic Frisby’s simple trading system is based on making as few decisions as possible then sitting tight. And right now, it’s telling you to buy bitcoin. Here, he explains everything you need to know.
By Dominic Frisby Published