Matthew Lynn
Matthew Lynn is a columnist for Bloomberg, and writes weekly commentary syndicated in papers such as the Daily Telegraph, Die Welt, the Sydney Morning Herald, the South China Morning Post and the Miami Herald. He is also an associate editor of Spectator Business, and a regular contributor to The Spectator. Before that, he worked for the business section of the Sunday Times for ten years.
He has written books on finance and financial topics, including Bust: Greece, The Euro and The Sovereign Debt Crisis and The Long Depression: The Slump of 2008 to 2031. Matthew is also the author of the Death Force series of military thrillers and the founder of Lume Books, an independent publisher.
Latest articles by Matthew Lynn
Banking faces a spiral of decline
Opinion Once highly prized banking jobs on Wall Street or in the City have lost their allure, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Europe’s radical monetary experiment
Opinion As the eurozone's economy sinks, the European Central Bank is thinking big. That’s worrying, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Fight back against the Labour Party’s fantasy economics
Opinion “Free” has turned into the Labour Party’s favourite word. “Reality” should make a comeback, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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What to expect if we remain in the EU
Features All ready for a no-deal exit? Good. But it’s not the only outcome you had better brace yourself for, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Sift through the tech IPO flops to find the next
Opinion Some big names in tech have floundered since listing. That may be a buying opportunity, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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What have populists ever done for us?
Opinion Apart from the wage rises, the jobs, the tax cuts, the rising living standards…
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Boris Johnson's £1bn plan to save the high street
Opinion Boris Johnson’s government is splashing the cash on some worthy causes. But will his plan to save the high street work?
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Britain is a nation of hustlers
Opinion One in four Britons do some extra gigging on top of the day job, says Matthew Lynn. The government should encourage them.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Why German exports are falling
Opinion Project Fear failed to move us Brits, but it should really have put the wind up the Germans, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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LSE-Refinitiv merger could create a rival to Bloomberg
Opinion The London Stock Exchange is to buy data group Refinitiv, which would make it a big player in financial services. It's a bold move, says Matthew Lynn – but a dangerous one.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Expect the new batch of floating law firms to sink
Opinion Law firms are listing on the stockmarket. That makes sense for them, but investors should steer clear, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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The three planks of Boris-onomics
Opinion Boris Johnson, our new PM, will have to act fast to put Britain back on its feet, say Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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The City must move on from Europe
Opinion The City thrived as the EU’s finance hub. But now new opportunities look more promising, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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How retail landlords can reinvent ailing shopping centres
Opinion Ailing shopping centres should be repurposed, benefiting the economy and investors.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Prepare for another Trump bump in 2020
Opinion What can we expect if Donald Trump wins again in 2020? These three big changes look likely, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Why Channel 4's luvvies should stay in London
Opinion The idea of spreading Channel 4 staff around the country is well meant, but the regions have their own ideas, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Why the big tech companies should be broken up
Opinion Rather than wait and be at the mercy of regulators, the big tech companies should begin the process of breaking themselves up, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Fund managers: you get monkeys whatever fees you pay
Opinion When it comes to fund managers, the adage that “if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys” is broken, says Matthew Lynn – you get monkeys whatever you pay.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Five key tasks for the next prime minister
Opinion Our next prime minister should not obsess about Brexit, but face up to other pressing issues, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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The casualties of Trump’s trade war
Opinion Chinese tech giant Huawei is under fire in Donald Trump's trade war. Many Western firms may suffer collateral damage.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Britain shoots for the top spot
Opinion England dominates European football. It looks as if it will take home the trophy for economic success, too, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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How to put a rocket under French business
Features Emmanuel Macron came up with a predictably tepid series of minor reforms this month. There was, however, one really eye-catching idea, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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The trouble with Scotland's plan to launch its own currency
Opinion A Scottish currency makes sense for the nationalists dreaming of independence. But will it work, asks Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Is there a case for higher fund management fees?
Opinion Some private-equity and hedge funds are trying it on and raising their already high fund management fees. Investors should not be fooled.
By Matthew Lynn Published