Why we won’t see a house-price crash in 2021
Opinion Lockdown sent house prices berserk as cooped up home-workers fled for bigger properties in the country. And while they won’t rise quite as much this year, they’re not going to crash, says Merryn Somerset Webb. Here’s why.
By Merryn Somerset Webb Published
Opinion -
How to make sure your business doesn't lose out in lockdown
Advice Money is still available via government schemes to help small companies cope with the latest Covid restrictions. David Prosser outlines what you can get, and how to get it.
By David Prosser Published
Advice -
Forget austerity – governments and central banks have no intention of cutting back
Opinion Once the pandemic is over will we return to an era of austerity to pay for all the stimulus? Not likely, says John Stepek. The money will continue to flow. Here’s what that means for you.
By John Stepek Published
Opinion -
Adar Poonawalla: the vaccine prince who will save the world
Profiles Adar Poonawalla, the chief of the world’s biggest vaccine manufacturer by volume, has an ambitious plan to rescue us all from Covid-19. The future for his dynasty looks bright, says Jane Lewis.
By Jane Lewis Published
Profiles -
When lockdown ends, be prepared for an inflationary surprise
News The government is pouring more money into the economy to tide businesses over the latest lockdown. Once lockdown ends, says John Stepek,we should see a significant bounceback in demand – and in inflation.
By John Stepek Published
News -
Here's looking forward to freedom in 2021
Opinion We often talk about the pent-up demand for goods created by the pandemic. But don’t underestimate the pent-up demand for physical freedom and to the investment opportunities that come with it.
By Merryn Somerset Webb Published
Opinion -
The most important theme for investors in 2021
Opinion When the world returns to normal, the recovery will be much faster than from any normal recession. And that means there’s one very important thing to bear in mind for 2021, says John Stepek.
By John Stepek Published
Opinion -
Buy for the post-Covid bounceback, but buy carefully
Advice There are still plenty of risks in the market, but as the world returns to normal, demand will surge and earnings will rise. Merryn Somerset Webb explains what to buy to benefit from the end of Covid.
By Merryn Somerset Webb Published
Advice -
Christmas is cancelled, Britain's blockaded – what does that mean for your money?
Opinion In the space of a weekend, we’ve gone from looking forward to Christmas and the arrival of a vaccine, to lockdowns and border closures. John Stepek explains how it will affect your investments.
By John Stepek Published