Are you prepared to have your savings put into compulsory “recovery bonds”?
Editor's letter The pandemic has put a huge hole in public finances – while bolstering many of the country's savings. Could one be used to bail out the other? Merryn Somerset Webb ponders the possibilities.
By Merryn Somerset Webb Published
Editor's letter -
Kate Bingham: the grande dame of venture capitalists
Profiles The success of Britain’s vaccine strategy is largely down to one woman – Kate Bingham, a biotech expert for a venture-capital firm. It’s not the first time she has thrown herself head first into a big challenge.
By Jane Lewis Published
Profiles -
What we can learn from Britain’s surprise vaccine success story
Opinion Britain’s response to Covid-19 has been wanting. But we should also learn from what we got right, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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How long will it be before the world is vaccinated?
Briefings The vaccine rollout is going well in the UK, and in some other countries. But ultimately, this is a global problem, and the situation worldwide is not so rosy.
By Simon Wilson Published
Briefings -
History suggests we can expect a rapid recovery once Covid is beaten
Opinion The current pandemic-induced economic crisis isn’t like the financial crisis of 2008. They are very different things, says John Stepek. And the recovery will look very different too. It will be much quicker. Here’s why.
By John Stepek Published
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House prices in the UK's biggest cities might be set to follow rents lower
Opinion As people leave Britain's cities – whether city-dwellers upsizing to the country or foreign workers returning home – property rents have fallen hard. That could mean a fall in house prices too, says John Stepek.
By John Stepek Published
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Vexing vaccine delays hit drug firms
News AstraZeneca and Pfizer are being attacked by the EU over what it claims are delays in delivering the Covid vaccine.
By Dr Matthew Partridge Published
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Joe Biden’s spending spree will lift American spirits and markets – but it comes with a sting in the tail
Opinion New US president Joe Biden is planning to throw trillions of dollars in stimulus at his country’s economy. Markets will love that. But it comes with a catch, says Merryn Somerset Webb: rampant inflation.
By Merryn Somerset Webb Published
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Inflation is the easiest way out of this – just don’t expect politicians to admit it
Opinion The UK government borrowed £34.1bn in December, a record amount for that month. Britain's debt pile now amounts to 100% of GDP. How are we going to pay it all back? Realistically speaking, says John Stepek, there is only one way: inflation.
By John Stepek Published