The latest news, updates and opinions on Gold from the expert team here at MoneyWeek
The facts about gold
Briefings Gold fires our imaginations like no other metal. Chris Carter looks at its history, its uses, and how to invest.
By Chris Carter Published
Briefings -
What’s a better bet right now: a house in the UK or gold?
Opinion Measured in ounces of gold, UK house prices have been falling for some time. A home now costs the same as it did in 1986. Dominic Frisby looks at how low house prices can go when compared to gold – and why gold is such a good store of value.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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These seven charts show exactly why you must own gold today
Analysis Covid-19 is accelerating many trends that were already in existence. The rising gold price is one such trend. These seven charts, says Dominic Frisby, reveal why gold could soon “go bananas”.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Precious metals will keep shining – buy these funds to take advantage
Tips Data on volatility suggests that a V-shaped recovery may not happen, so hold gold or silver.
By David Stevenson Published
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Buy gold to shield your portfolio from danger and uncertainty
Cover Story This is an era of unprecedented money printing and more bailouts may soon be needed. The geopolitical backdrop is shaky too. In short, there have never been so many reasons to hold gold, says Dominic Frisby.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Will gold really hit $3,000 an ounce in the next 18 months?
Opinion Bank of America is predicting that the gold price will hit an all-time high of $3,000 an ounce in the next year and half. John Stepek looks at just how likely that is.
By John Stepek Published
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Why now is the time to own gold – and bitcoin
Analysis The amount of money spent bailing out our financial system is incredible. Every government and central bank is at it. It’s times like these when you need money that can’t be debased, says Dominic Frisby.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Gold will soon regain its lustre
Opinion In dollar terms at least, gold has erased most of its gains for this year. But demand is high, and the price will climb again.
By Alex Rankine Published
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Gold is hard to find right now – so should you be buying?
News With demand through the roof and the physical metal hard to find, it's not the best time to buy gold. But right now, says Dominic Frisby, you want to hold as much as you can.
By Dominic Frisby Published