The latest news, updates and opinions on Gold from the expert team here at MoneyWeek
Gold hits the big $2,000 level – are Aim miners about to play catch up?
Tips With the price of gold shooting through $2,000 an ounce, the yellow metal looks unstoppable. Things are so bullish, even Aim-listed junior gold miners are on the way up. Here, Dominic Frisby picks one of his favourites.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Gold bugs cheer new record, with silver hot on its heels
News The gold price has finally surpassed its 2011 peak of $1,923.70 an ounce. And, after climbing 36% in the last month alone, the silver price has hit a seven-year high. Where next for precious metals?
By Alex Rankine Published
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Gold bugs' dreams are coming true – but we could still see a V-shaped recovery
Podcasts John and Merryn talk about how it's perfectly reasonable to expect a V-shaped recovery and to continue holding gold as well. Plus, inflation, staycations and will we ever return to the office?
By moneyweek Published
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How much further will gold go? $2,250, $2,460 – or beyond?
Analysis The gold bull market has really taken off – and it's only just begun. Dominic Frisby explains what's behind its big rise, and asks how much further it has to go.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Guru watch: buy gold ahead of China's big currency move
News China has steadily been building “a renminbi-based international payments system", says Charles Gave, founding partner and chairman of Gavekal.
By moneyweek Published
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Gold could set new records, even from here – here’s how to invest
News The gold price has soared in recent days, and it could go higher yet, says John Stepek. Either way, you should hold some gold in your portfolio.
By John Stepek Published
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The going looks good for gold
Advice With inflation fears rising and interest rates nailed to the floor, the outlook for gold is bright, says John Stepek.
By John Stepek Published
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Gold has recovered its mojo
News Gold has been on an impressive run this year, breaking through $1,800 an ounce.
By Alex Rankine Published
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Hang onto your gold miners – this boom has further to go
Opinion The gold price is heading for new highs, and it’s taking gold mining stocks with it. Indeed, says Dominic Frisby, the boom is just getting started. Get in and sit tight.
By Dominic Frisby Published