Chart of the week: lobster prices are boiling over

Hipsters’ passion for lobster rolls has helped propel lobster prices to an 11-year high. Global lobster imports were 7% up year-on-year in the first quarter, with imports to the EU up 20%.


Hipsters have helped propel lobster prices to an 11-year high, says Emiko Terazono on Over the past few years, the crustacean has become an "affordable luxury", thanks to the surging popularity of the lobster roll, which used to be largely confined to New England.

Lobsters have also begun to appear in discount supermarkets. The price dip following the global financial crisis has bolstered demand in Asia. Global lobster imports were 7% up year-on-year in the first quarter, with imports to the EU up 20%. Demand has overwhelmed a gradual supply increase in recent years.


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