Rok bosses build up stakes

A round-up of the biggest director deals today so far.

Bosses at building and maintenance group Rok have bolstered their holdings in the firm.

Finance boss Ashley Martin took 113,000 shares at 22.25p a time, spending about 25,000. He now has 578,000 shares.

Chief executive Garvis Snook paid the same price a go for 50,000 shares and now has some 549,000.

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Chairman Stephen Pettit bought 15,000 shares at 22.5p a time lifting his stake to 51,000 shares and chief operating officer Rob Olorenshaw took 23,281 shares, paying the same as Martin and Snook.

Rok has its roots in the West Country, but has expanded into the South East and other Scotland. Its share price fell heavily in November after a profit warning.

Top Director Buys

Value: £69,033

Value: £25,199

Value: £21,548

Value: £12,000

Value: £12,000

Value: £11,150