Warren Buffett
The latest news, updates and opinions on Warren Buffett from the expert team here at MoneyWeek
Why Warren Buffett’s purchase of Barrick shares is such a big deal for gold-mining stocks
News Warren Buffett has bought half a billion dollars’ worth of shares in gold miner Barrick. That’s a big deal, says Dominic Frisby. We could be at the beginning of a bull market in gold-mining stocks.
By Dominic Frisby Published
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Warren Buffett, hater of pet rocks, buys his first gold mine
News Legendary investor Warren Buffett has always displayed contempt for gold as an investment. So why has he bought a gold mine? John Stepek looks at what we can learn from his purchase.
By John Stepek Published
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The making of Warren Buffett
Profiles The man who “triumphed in the long game by practising a simpler, purer version of capitalism” is widely hailed as the world’s greatest living investor. How did he get to where he is today?
By Jane Lewis Published
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Why cash is the most undervalued asset in your portfolio
Advice Cash normally seems like the dullest part of a portfolio – but times like these remind us why it’s worth paying the price to keep some in reserve.
By Cris Sholto Heaton Published
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Warren Buffett: investors should ignore scary headlines
Opinion You wouldn’t buy or sell your own business on the back of today's headlines, sasy Warren Buffett, so why sell shares in good firms?
By MoneyWeek Published
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How to find a contrarian fund manager
Tutorials Contrarian investing – profiting from out-of-favour assets – isn’t easy. In an extract from his book, The Sceptical Investor, John Stepek looks at how to find fund managers who can do it.
By John Stepek Published
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Gold is a bargain
Features The price of gold has fallen by 11.2% since 22 January to just under $1,200 an ounce – that’s more than 35% below its peak of $1,900 in 2011. Now may prove a good time to top up your holdings.
By Marina Gerner Published
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Atul Gawande: the writer shaking up US medicine
Profiles Atul Gawande doesn’t have the sort of CV you’d expect for someone running a healthcare joint venture between Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan. That’s exactly why he was chosen. Jane Lewis reports.
By Jane Lewis Published
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Economic moat
Glossary Warren Buffett first coined the phrase ‘economic moat’ as a way of summing up how robust a firm is in the long term.
By MoneyWeek Published