The MoneyWeek Wealth Summit this Friday - everything you need to know.

Andrew Van Sickle runs through the speakers and topics under discussion at the upcoming MoneyWeek Wealth Summit. Everything you need to know about investing in the year ahead in one handy package.

MoneyWeek Wealth Summit

War in Ukraine. A meltdown in the gilt market. Inflation at a 40-year high. These are turbulent and treacherous times for investors.

It has never been more important to get expert analysis and advice. So we have gathered some of the finest minds in finance for the MoneyWeek Wealth Summit on 25 November 2022 to help you shelter from the storm and spot opportunities to grow your portfolio.

The event is this Friday. To explain exactly why you should come – this one is real, not virtual like last year – I’m going to run you through the day and go into the wide array of topics in a little more detail.

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After a welcome from Merryn we will present our first keynote speaker, Russell Napier. The market strategist and historian (who wrote the investment classic Anatomy of a Bear) thinks we are in for many years of financial repression that will culminate in 1970s-style stagflation.

Major economies’ debt loads are so huge that the only way to reduce them without a nasty crash is to let inflation of around 4%-6% nibble the real value of the debt away; interest rates will be kept below that level, so they will be negative in real terms.

This will be very bad news for holders of cash, bonds and some equities, but we can expect a boom in certain areas as governments try to stoke growth with investment. Russell explains why – and what else you should hold in this environment.

The global economic backdrop

Then our first panel of the day will set the scene by looking at the big picture: where next for the global economy in this era of war, inflation and a pandemic?

James Ferguson of MacroStrategy, whose expertise in the global financial system helped MoneyWeek through the 2008/09 crisis, will be among those analysing where we are in a historical context.

He will be joined by Alex Chartres of Ruffer, who specialises in geopolitics and its investment implications, and Bill Dinning from Waverton.

The next panel will explore how to find real income – earnings that won’t be gobbled up by inflation, in other words. The experts on this panel have the equity-income market sewn up. James Harries of Troy Asset Management, Laura Foll of Janus Henderson and Duncan MacIness of Ruffer will highlight areas with appealing dividends and scope for future dividend growth.

Our next keynote speaker is Pippa Malmgren, who coined the term ‘shrinkflation’: a form of inflation whereby the price of a good stays the same but the quantity decreases. She will look at some key trends for investors to factor into their decisions.

One is digital currencies produced by central banks, and what they might mean for your money. Another is the space sector, which she thinks will transform the world. Pippa will also throw geopolitics into the mix.

The future of the housing market

After lunch there will be a panel on one of readers’ favourite topics: residential property prices. With predictions of falls of up to 30% as pricier credit squeezes demand, we look at how bad it could get. MoneyWeek commentator Max King will be joined by property experts Henry Pryor and James Wyatt. They will also assess whether commercial property might be a safer bet.

The next panel analyses the topic at the heart of the financial world this year: energy. With gas prices shooting up after the war began, and the shift towards renewables gathering pace, we ask what the right energy mix for countries –- and investors – will be over the next decades. Has the rush to net-zero gone too fast?

Will we, paradoxically, need more fossil fuels in order to help us make the long-term transition to green energy? What about nuclear power? Alec Cutler of Orbis, Barry Norris of Argonaut and MoneyWeek’s Funds columnist David Stevenson will tackle these questions.

After a coffee break Merry will interview investor and entrepreneur Jim Mellon and Peter Spiller, who has managed the Capital Gearing Trust plc since 1982, to find out the most important things we can learn from their multi-decade careers in the market and how their experience provides important context for what investors are grappling with now.

After that two of MoneyWeek’s favourite strategists, Anna Macdonald of Amati Global Investors and Charlie Morris of Bytetree Asset Management, get together to tell us where we should consider putting our money now.

I think you’ll agree the agenda is stimulating and comprehensive, and will give you plenty of ideas to help make you a better investor over the next year.

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Andrew Van Sickle
Editor, MoneyWeek

Andrew is the editor of MoneyWeek magazine. He grew up in Vienna and studied at the University of St Andrews, where he gained a first-class MA in geography & international relations.

After graduating he began to contribute to the foreign page of The Week and soon afterwards joined MoneyWeek at its inception in October 2000. He helped Merryn Somerset Webb establish it as Britain’s best-selling financial magazine, contributing to every section of the publication and specialising in macroeconomics and stockmarkets, before going part-time.

His freelance projects have included a 2009 relaunch of The Pharma Letter, where he covered corporate news and political developments in the German pharmaceuticals market for two years, and a multiyear stint as deputy editor of the Barclays account at Redwood, a marketing agency.

Andrew has been editing MoneyWeek since 2018, and continues to specialise in investment and news in German-speaking countries owing to his fluent command of the language.