ESG Investing
The latest news, updates and opinions on ESG Investing from the expert team here at MoneyWeek
The unintended consequences of ESG investing
Editor's letter Many people are refusing to invest in energy companies, citing "ESG" concerns. But we still need fossil fuels, says Merryn Somerset Webb, and will for years to come. Boycotting the sector is a bad idea.
By Merryn Somerset Webb Published
Editor's letter -
Will the rise of ESG investing cause stagflation?
Opinion ESG investing is booming. But it may be contributing to today’s stagflation – slower growth and higher inflation – says Tom Traill.
By Tom Traill Published
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ESG investing could end up being a classic mistake
Opinion ESG investing has been embraced with enormous speed and zeal. But think long and hard before buying in, says Merryn Somerset Webb.
By Merryn Somerset Webb Published
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Why investors may need to pivot from ESG towards carbon-intensive industries
Cover Story Investors have been keen to show their green credentials by shunning carbon-intensive industries. The cost of that virtue signalling is now becoming apparent, says Frédéric Guirinec.
By Frederic Guirinec Published
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ESG investing: defence stocks as an ethical investment
Analysis The definition of what counts as “ESG” investing is getting so vague, says Merryn Somerset Webb, that at some point it will cease to mean anything at all.
By Merryn Somerset Webb Published
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Shareholder capitalism: the world’s most powerful asset manager wants you to have your say
Analysis Under shareholder capitalism, the owners of the companies the big fund managers invest in are us – yet our voice is rarely heard. Now one asset manager, Larry Fink of Blackrock, could be about to give us a say. Merryn Somerset Webb looks at what he's proposing.
By Merryn Somerset Webb Published
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I wish I knew what ESG investing was, but I’m too embarrassed to ask
ESG investing – investing with a focus on environmental, social and governance issues – is the latest incarnation of ethical investing. Here's what it involves.
By MoneyWeek Last updated
Are ESG funds holding the right companies?
Editor's letter A lot of ESG fund managers tend to plump for “techy stuff” in their funds. But that's a lazy approach, says Merryn Somerset Webb.
By Merryn Somerset Webb Published
Editor's letter -
What lies behind the returns from ESG investing?
Analysis Today’s mantra is that you don’t have to sacrifice performance if you own only ESG stocks. Yet that’s not logical
By John Stepek Published