EU Economy
The latest news, updates and opinions on EU Economy from the expert team here at MoneyWeek
Get set for the next euro crisis
News Italy is almost certainly heading for its fourth recession since the global financial crisis.
By Alex Rankine Published
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Investors needn’t fear the rise of Europe’s green parties
Analysis Green parties across Europe are finding the centre-right to be natural allies. That will be great for business, says Matthew Lynn.
By Matthew Lynn Published
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Even if Macron wins the French election, there could still be chaos
Opinion If Emmanuel Macron wins the French election by a small margin, it could cause chaos. It could even make France ungovernable, says Merryn Somerset Webb.
By Merryn Somerset Webb Published
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The ECB’s monetary experiment isn’t going well
Opinion The ECB’s flirtation with negative interest rates is certainly having an effect. Just not the one it expected, says Merryn Somerset Webb.
By Merryn Somerset Webb Published
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Europe’s deflation danger
News Falling prices in the eurozone has increased the real value of debt in countries already struggling to cope.
By moneyweek Published
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Euro saga will drag on and on
News Greece is heading for its third bail-out, but nobody in Germany wants to talk about it.
By moneyweek Published
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Eurozone zombies stumble on
Features The latest data from the eurozone has been uninspiring.
By moneyweek Published
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Ireland - the eurozone’s model pupil - fails the test
Features Ireland has always been cited as a bail-out success story, but economic growth has contracted for three successive quarters now.
By moneyweek Published
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Profitable niches in Europe
Features Europe and its economic problems have been in the news for all the wrong reasons in recent years. But many European smaller companies look attractive, says professional investor sam Cosh. Here, he picks three of his favourites.
By Sam Cosh Published