Jody Clarke
Jody studied at the University of Limerick and was a senior writer for MoneyWeek. Jody is experienced in interviewing, for example digging into the lives of an ex-M15 agent and quirky business owners who have made millions. Jody’s other areas of expertise include advice on funds, stocks and house prices.
Latest articles by Jody Clarke
Singapore real estate offers juicy yields
Features Singapore is enduring its worst recession since independence in 1965. But if there is a glimmer of hope, it is in the country's real estate investment trust market.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Tony Fernandes: how I brought no-frill flights to Malaysia
Features Tony Fernandes took Easyjet's low-overheads flights model and transferred it to Malaysia. Now, his Air Asia turns over £500m a year.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Sir Ray Tindle: I started a media empire with £300
Features Sir Ray Tindle started his newspaper business with the Balham and Tooting Gazette, circulation 700. Now his Tindle Newspaper Group owns over 200 titles around the UK.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Victor Chandler: the man who brought us tax-free betting
Features Victor Chandler never meant to follow his father into the bookmaking business. But pride got the better of him, and now his business has a turnover of £1bn.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Paul Stanyer: how online taxi bookings made me millions
Features After several knockbacks and a fair bit of scorn, Paul Stanyer eventually secured investment for his start-up taxi-booking website in 2003. Now, his firm is turning over $12.5m - yet he rates his performance as only two out of ten.
By Jody Clarke Published
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How a Kenyan cowboy broke into safaris
Features After being forced off the family farm, Geoffrey Kent and his parents began with a solitary Land Rover showing tourists round Kenya's game parks. In 2004, he sold two thirds of his company for £133m.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Three of the best horse-riding holidays
Features Few things can match the romance or sheer exhilaration of exploring a new country on horseback, says Jody Clarke.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Pete Boyle: from the car boot to a 22-shop empire
Features Pete Boyle built up a business turning over £5m a year from a beginning flogging jewellery out of the back of his 1978 Austin Maxi.
By Jody Clarke Published
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How to plug into America's $4.5bn energy upgrade
Features The US is about to rebuild its decrepit energy infrastructure. That spells opportunity for investors, say Jody Clarke and Eoin Gleeson.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Eric Baker: how I beat ticket touts at their own game
Features Eric Baker is thankful for an expensive and inconvenient encounter with a ticket tout which gave him the big idea that would eventually make him a million.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Ulick McEvaddy: how fixing tractors made me an aviation millionaire
Features Ulick McEvaddy started out repairing tractors, moving on to light aeroplanes. After a stint in the army, he founded a business selling spare plane parts. That grew into a leasing company which has made him and his brother worth over €100m.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Chris Dawson: trader who found his talent at a jumble sale
Features Chris Dawson, founder of The Range home and garden stores, gained his first sales experience when he took charge of a church jumble stall at the age of seven. By his mid-twenties he was earning £10,000 a week.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Andrew Crawford: fear is the biggest obstacle to success
Features Andrew Crawford went head to head with Amazon selling books online. It was a gamble that paid off. This year, his firm, the Book Depository, expects to sell £60m worth of books.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Funds: it's time to get into Japan
Features With its banks able to fund themselves, Japan is largely free from the West's current financial problems - and may be at a 'sound starting point' for recovery. Jody Clarke profiles the best funds to buy to get into Japan.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Andrew Ritchie: gadget buff who reinvented the bike
Features Andrew Ritchie dedicated 30 years to building the world's best folding bicycle. Having started out in a west-London railway arch, his firm, Brompton Bicycles, now turns over £8m a year.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Zuber Issa: from paper kiosk to garage empire
Features Zuber Issa began his business career at the age of 17 running a newspaper kiosk. 19 years later, he is the owner of 73 petrol stations across northwest England.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Hilary Devey: a long haul that paid off nicely
Features As a single mother, millionaire pallet-distribution queen Hilary Devey knew she couldn't afford to fail when she set up her business 13 years ago.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Harold Hamm: pump attendant who struck oil
Features Oklahoma farmer's son Harold Hamm spent his early working life with engineers and geologists, picking their brains on oil production. Then he took a chance, bought some land - and struck oil.
By Jody Clarke Published
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The property crash was just the start we needed
Features Harry Bramer formed his company, Country House Weddings, after being stuck with a Tudor mansion he couldn't sell. Now, the company has four wedding venues and is confident of being able to comfortably ride out the recession.
By Jody Clarke Published
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What should New Star investors do?
Features New Star Asset Management was once hailed as a stable for fund management stars. Now it is in deep trouble. Jody Clarke reports on the end for a company which claimed it would provide investors with 'superior returns'.
By Jody Clarke Published
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The Scilly Isles: the tropics on our doorstep
Features Just 28 miles west of Cornwall, the Scilly Isles may as well be south of the equator given how little most people know about them.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Entrepreneurs: the real bloodbath will be after the Xmas sales
Features Small businesses are facing the toughest economic backdrop since the 1990s, says the Confederation of British Industry. Jody Clarke asked seven entrepreneurs how they are coping in the downturn.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Lee Cash: 'You have to kiss a lot of frogs'
Features After years of menial catering jobs, Lee Cash set up his own company turning run-down drinking dens into attractive gastropubs you could take your mum to. Now Peach Pubs turns over £10m a year.
By Jody Clarke Published
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Buy Japan - the world’s cheapest developed market
Features Japan is likely to be the best performing of the G7 economies in the next couple of years, thanks to low levels of debt and unemployment. So here are three ways to gain cheap exposure to the Japanese markets.
By Jody Clarke Published