Randy Nickerson to head exploration at Caza

Caza Oil & Gas, the US focused exploration, appraisal, development and production company, has appointed Randy Nickerson to the position of Vice President of Exploration.

Caza Oil & Gas, the US focused exploration, appraisal, development and production company, has appointed Randy Nickerson to the position of Vice President of Exploration.

Nickerson, who joins from Sanchez Oil & Gas will provide leadership and management of all company technical activities.

Chief executive officer Michael Ford hailed Nickerson's appointment as an outstanding one.

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"His direct and relevant experience in onshore Texas and Louisiana with processing, reprocessing and interpreting 3D seismic data and AVO [amplitude variation offset] analysis will enable him to make an immediate contribution to Caza's ongoing exploration and production activities," Ford gushed.

The share price rose 3.74% to 13.88p by 12:59.