Balfour Beatty wins £110m rail contract

FTSE 250 infrastructure group Balfour Beatty has been awarded the Whitechapel Crossrail contract worth £110m.

FTSE 250 infrastructure group Balfour Beatty has been awarded the Whitechapel Crossrail contract worth £110m.

The project, awarded to a joint venture between Balfour, Morgan Sindall and Vinci Construction, includes the demolition of the existing station, construction of a new ticket hall, platform upgrades and the construction of a new station.

"We are delighted to have been awarded this Crossrail contract," said chief executive Ian Tyler.

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"We, together with our joint venture partners, are using the full range of skills, resources and technical expertise required to deliver not only this contract, but the Whitechapel and Liverpool Street station tunnels project, awarded to the joint venture in January this year."