This week in MoneyWeek: what 2017 has in store

This week in MoneyWeek: what 2017 holds for investors; how the newspapers’ tips did last year and what they’re tipping for this; and how to get your finances in shape.


This week in MoneyWeek magazine we have brought together a panel of experts to give their views on what 2017 may hold in store for investors; we look at the UK newspapers' records on share tipping over the last year and what they're tipping for this; and explain the best ways to get your finances in shape for 2017.

We have the usual news and views, of course. John Stepek looks at "how to prepare for the unknown", Matthew Lynn pooh-poohs the French idea of giving workers the legal right to ignore their bosses' emails out of hours and extols the virtues of a 24/7 work culture. And Simon Wilson digs into the rise of "fake news".

If that sounds like the sort of thing you'd like, why not give it a try? You'll get the magazine, access to the website and the smartphone app, plus a fair few other goodies too, including a book on the retreat of globalisation by Gervais Williams with a foreword by our own Merryn Somerset Webb.

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What our experts think

This week, John Stepek chairs a discussion between five investment experts, canvassing their views on what the next 12 months could bring.

Brexit reared its ugly head, of course. The best outcome for "ardent remainer" Steve Russell of Ruffer Investment Company is "for the euro to blow up" before we get tothe end of negotiations with the EU He doesn't think that's likely certainly "not fast enough to save us from the dangers of Brexit". Investment consultant and former fund manager Max King doesn't even think there will be any negotiations he thinks Brexit means "a hard exit and a World Trade Organisation rules deal". Not that he thinks that's the best deal, just the most likely, with the 27 nations of Europe unable to come to any sort of agreement.

Dr Pippa Malmgren brings an American view to the discussion. As a former presidential adviser, she's got a unique perspective on matters. Trump shaking things up will be "messy and noisy", she says. And the geopolitical tension between China, Nato and Russia is "far more severe" than many people think. "We're closer to conflict than the market comprehends". The bright side of that gloomy view, if there is one, is that increased defence spending is "the most efficient form of fiscal intervention". Cripes, as the foreign secretary might say.

As for the other members of the panel, Jim Leaviss of M&G thinks we've seen the lows for bond yields, while Paul Hodges of International eChem reckons we'll see both higher interest rates and deflation. Between the five of them, they pick eight investments that they hope will see you safely through to the end of the year and beyond. Find out what they are with a subscription to MoneyWeek magazine.

What everyone else thinks

If there's one thing I know about stock picking, it's that it's very hard to do. That's something that was confirmed in our look at how the share tipsters from the rest of the financial press fared last year. And in a year when the FTSE 100 made over 14%, not many managed to match it. In fact, only two out of the seven publications we looked at did. Two of them saw an increase, but couldn't beat the index. And three lost money. Find out which ones to follow and who to ignore sign up here.

Getting in to financial shape

"You've already joined the gym, signed up for Mandarin classes and filled your fridge with kale", says Ruth Jackson. "Now it's time to tackle your finances". Ruth explains the best ways to cut the cost of debt and make your savings work harder, while David Prosser looks at steps you should be taking when planning your pension.

Roundtable participant Max King pops up again later in the magazine looking at a cheap fund for contrarian investors. If you're "happy to go against popular sentiment" provided that the fundamentals are on your side then there's no better place for your money than Russia. Find out how Max intends to play with a subscription to the magazine.

All that, plus, three stocks to "play the Trump bounce" in Japan; how to slash your capital gains tax bill; and the usual pages of travel, property and toys. This week, Chris Carter looks at three of the best places for a post-Christmas detox; there are eight of the best properties to buy if you want a bolthole from the British winter; and we have a double-page spread on good grooming and dressing for success.

If that sounds like your sort of thing sign up now.

Ben Judge

Ben studied modern languages at London University's Queen Mary College. After dabbling unhappily in local government finance for a while, he went to work for The Scotsman newspaper in Edinburgh. The launch of the paper's website,, in the early years of the dotcom craze, saw Ben move online to manage the Business and Motors channels before becoming deputy editor with responsibility for all aspects of online production for The Scotsman, Scotland on Sunday and the Edinburgh Evening News websites, along with the papers' Edinburgh Festivals website.

Ben joined MoneyWeek as website editor in 2008, just as the Great Financial Crisis was brewing. He has written extensively for the website and magazine, with a particular emphasis on alternative finance and fintech, including blockchain and bitcoin. As an early adopter of bitcoin, Ben bought when the price was under $200, but went on to spend it all on foolish fripperies.