Bowleven bosses boost stakes

A round-up of the biggest director deals today so far.

Bosses at Bowleven spent a combined total of more than £150,000 on shares in the oil firm yesterday.

Kevin Hart, chief executive of the company, acquired 350,000 ordinary shares at a price of 34.67p per share. His shareholding in the company is now 1,650,000 shares, or 1.89%.

He was joined by chairman Ronnie Hanna and General Counsel Peter Wilson, who both took 50,000 shares each at the same price and now have 310,000 and 189,000 respectively.

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Shares in the West Africa-focused oil firm are sharply down over the past year, largely due to the collapse in the oil price from above $147 a barrel in July to less than $40 today.

Top Director Buys

Value: £121,450

Value: £35,240

Value: £22,000

Value: £19,279

Value: £17,350

Value: £17,350

Top Director Sells

Value: £216,102