Dewhurst profits to beat expectations

Dewhurst, an independent supplier of quality components to the lift, keypad and transport industries, has said its pre-tax profit for the year ended September 30th will be significantly ahead of market expectations, which is largely due to better-than-expected sales both in the UK and overseas.

Dewhurst, an independent supplier of quality components to the lift, keypad and transport industries, has said its pre-tax profit for the year ended September 30th will be significantly ahead of market expectations, which is largely due to better-than-expected sales both in the UK and overseas.

Jared Sinclair, Finance Director, said: "Despite the concerns reported in the interims of market fragility, demand has remained healthy through the second half, resulting in the group performing better than expected."

The share price rose 8.45% to 385p by 15:49.

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