Redhall names Shuttleworth CEO

Specialist engineering support services group Redhall has appointed Richard Shuttleworth as chief executive officer with effect from 1 September 2012.

Specialist engineering support services group Redhall has appointed Richard Shuttleworth as chief executive officer with effect from 1 September 2012.

Shuttleworth, 51, is currently a director of RPS Commercial Services and has previously been a director at Cape Industrial Services and commercial director at Amec.

Redhall chairman David Jackson said he was delighted that Richard has accepted the challenge of taking the group into the nuclear new build phase.

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Back in December Jackson said: "We are on the cusp of the biggest opportunity in the engineering industry for decades with the commencement of the UK nuclear new build programme."

"Richard has the experience and skills to lead Redhall through the next stage of its development."