Centaur Media on track for year

Publisher and event organiser Centaur Media reported underlying revenue growth of 9% after a robust performance from all three divisions, as it trades in line with company expectations.

Publisher and event organiser Centaur Media reported underlying revenue growth of 9% after a robust performance from all three divisions, as it trades in line with company expectations.

The group, which publishes the Lawyer and Marketing Week, said underlying print, digital and events revenues were up 2%, 15% and 23% respectively.

Underlying advertising and paid for content revenues were both up 6% from the same period last year.

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It added that restructuring benefits are being delivered while recent acquisitions are now fully integrated and performing well.

Chief executive Geoff Wilmot commented, "We are very encouraged by the strong start to the year, with the benefits of the restructuring programme implemented this summer seen across the Group. While the economic environment remains uncertain, all three divisions are growing well, recent acquisitions are performing well and there is a strong pipeline of potential acquisitions.

"Overall, the group is trading in line with our expectations for the current financial year."

