BG raises production estimate on Carioca discovery

Oil and gas firm BG Group has raised its estimate of potential production from its Carioca discovery, off the coast of Brazil, after an extended well test.

Oil and gas firm BG Group has raised its estimate of potential production from its Carioca discovery, off the coast of Brazil, after an extended well test.

After testing on well 3-SPS-74 (Carioca Nordeste), potential production has been raised to around 28,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd). The well is currently producing 23,400 bopd.

The company said the potential of the Carioca area was further underlined by results from the 4-BRSA-973A-SPS well, informally known as Abar, located 35 kilometres south of the discovery well 1-BRSA-491-SPS (Carioca) and 293 kilometres off the coast of So Paulo state.

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Wireline samples showed good quality oil at Abar. A drill stem formation test is planned to evaluate the productivity of the interval.

Five wells have now been drilled in the Carioca area in addition to the completion of two formation tests. This fulfils the evaluation commitments required by the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP).

Given the promising results at Carioca, the consortium intends to do more appraisal work to further evaluate the area's full potential.

BG Group has a 30% interest in Block BM-S-9 which is comprised of two appraisal areas - Guar and Carioca.

