How to spot a 'fallen angel' stock
Videos The best stocks are good quality but also cheap. But how do you spot them? Tim Bennett introduces a simple stock screen that can help.
By Tim Bennett Published
Why does Warren Buffett love 'prefs'?
Videos Warren Buffett regularly buys billions of dollars worth of preference shares. Tim Bennett explains why and how you can add them to your portfolio.
By Tim Bennett Published
What convertibles reveal about the stockmarket
Videos Companies in Europe have been issuing convertible bonds at a record pace. Tim Bennett looks at what all this activity tells investors.
By Tim Bennett Published
What is the swaps scandal all about?
Videos Our largest banks now stand accused of mis-selling swaps. Tim Bennett explains how this latest scandal could land them with their biggest compensation bill yet.
By Tim Bennett Published
What is NGDP?
Videos The Bank of England's new governor, Mark Carney, thinks central banks should focus on 'nominal gross domestic product', or NGDP. Tim Bennett explains what NGDP is, and why Carney's proposal has caused such a stir.
By Tim Bennett Published
What is GDP?
Videos Gross domestic product, or GDP, aims to measure a country's economic health. Tim Bennett explains how it works, and asks how useful it really is.
By Tim Bennett Published
Why the Fed model's big buy signal can't be trusted
Videos According to the famous 'Fed model', the US stockmarket is a buy. Here, Tim Bennett introduces the model and explains why you shouldn't rely on it now.
By Ed Bowsher Published
The trick that turns banking losses into profits
Videos Banks use many accounting tricks to boost profits and fool investors. Tim Bennett reveals one of the biggest, and explains what investors should do about it.
By Tim Bennett Published
Why do some big corporations pay so little tax?
Videos Big, profitable companies can reduce their corporation tax bill to almost nothing. Tim Bennett explains how.
By Tim Bennett Published
Three reasons to sell Apple
Videos The great Apple share price bull run is over. Tim Bennett explains the three ratios that tell you now is a great time to sell.
By Ed Bowsher Published
Five key dates every shareholder should know
Videos A raft of FTSE 100 shares recently passed their ex-dividend date. Tim Bennett explains what this means, and highlights four other dates that shareholders should add to their diaries
By Tim Bennett Published
Beginner's guide to mortgages
Videos A property mortgage is the biggest debt most of us will ever take on. So choosing the right one is vital. Tim Bennett explains the basics of mortgages and highlights the main pitfalls to avoid.
By Tim Bennett Published
What are 'zombie banks'?
Videos Zombie banks are sapping the life out of the global economy. Tim Bennett explains what they are, why they are allowed to exist and why they must be allowed to die.
By Ed Bowsher Published
What is the Vix?
Videos The Vix indicator is a fast way to spot fear in equity markets. Tim Bennett explains how it works, and how it can help investors.
By Tim Bennett Published
What is the Libor/OIS spread?
Videos Tim Bennett looks at a red flag that can warn of trouble in the banking sector - and potentially the wider economy - and how to interpret what it's telling you.
By Tim Bennett Published
What the Libor scandal means for you
Videos Tim Bennett explains why the Libor fixing scandal has rocked the City, and what it means for you.
By Ed Bowsher Published
What is Target 2?
Videos Tim Bennett looks at a system at the heart of the European project - 'Target 2' - and explains how it works, why it's in the news, and whether you should worry about it.
By Ed Bowsher Published
How to get rid of losers
Videos Investors often fail to dump stocks even when it's clear they have made an expensive mistake. Tim Bennett explains why, and how to stop doing it.
By Tim Bennett Published
A lesson from Facebook – avoid IPOs
Videos IPOs offer investors an exciting way to buy into the latest hot stock market name. And that's precisely why you should avoid them, says Tim Bennett.
By Tim Bennett Published
Why 'mark to market' matters
Videos Tim Bennett explains 'mark to market - what it is, how it can make life difficult for investors, and what you can do about it.
By Tim Bennett Published
Depository receipts: An easy way to invest in foreign firms
Videos Depository receipts are an easy and cheap way to buy foreign shares. Tim Bennett explains what they are and how they work - and warns of three risks to watch out for.
By Tim Bennett Published
What is the LTRO?
Videos The 'long term refinancing operation' - LTRO - is supposed to stop a massive European credit crunch. But what is it and how does it work? Indeed, will it work at all? Tim Bennett explains.
By Tim Bennett Published
What is the price-to-sales ratio?
Videos The price-to-sales ratio was feted in the mid 1990s, and vilified after the dotcom crash. Tim Bennett explains what it is, how it works and when investors should use it.
By Tim Bennett Published
What is market abuse?
Videos The City hates the market abuse rules. The regulator loves them. Tim Bennett explains what they are and why they are so contentious.
By Tim Bennett Published
What is money laundering?
Videos Tim Bennett explains what money laundering is, and how you can avoid getting caught up in it.
By Tim Bennett Published
A beginner's guide to takeovers
Videos Tim Bennett explains what takeovers are, how they work and how can you profit from them. Plus some of the pitfalls to watch out for.
By Tim Bennett Published
What is Tobin's Q ratio?
Videos Tim Bennett explains the single number that aims to tell you whether stocks and markets are overvalued or undervalued - and so whether it is a good time to buy or sell.
By Tim Bennett Published
Has the Fed saved Europe?
Videos The US Federal Reserve has intervened to 'rescue' Europe's debt-ridden economy. But what exactly has the Fed done - and will it work? Tim Bennett explains.
By Tim Bennett Published
What is a stock exchange?
Videos Why stock exchanges exist - what they are for, and how they affect your investing life.
By Tim Bennett Published