Space Stocks
Why I love the space game
Features Nasa pulling out of the low-earth orbit business has opened up opportunities for daring high tech rocket companies to fill the void, says Paul Hill.
By Paul Hill Published
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Make your fortune on the final frontier
Features The next great space race will be led by private companies – the rewards for investors could be astronomical, says Seán Keyes. Here, he tips two pioneering stocks to buy now.
By Sean Keyes Published
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The dawn of a new space age?
News Nasa's space shuttle programme has drawn to a close. And with nothing to replace it, America is turning to the private sector to come up with alternatives. Emily Hohler reports on the latest advances in space technology, and looks at how to invest in the future of space exploration.
By Emily Hohler Published
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Profit from the new space race
Features The US has opened up America's space exploration programme to private industry. And it's not only the US that's splashing out. Europe, Russia, China, Japan, India and the Middle East are all committing vast sums. Paul Hill examines the opportunities for investors.
By Paul Hill Published
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Space: crossing the final frontier
Features It's been 40 years since man first landed on the moon. Now, Richard Branson and other buccaneers are paving the way for space tourism. Simon Wilson investigates whether it is yet a reality, and what the future holds for space exploration.
By Simon Wilson Published