History's worst financial crashes
How America's roaring ’20s paved the way for the Great Depression
Features In the latest in his series on history’s greatest market crashes, John Stepek looks at the Roaring ’20s, and how the US went from a booming stockmarket to the Great Depression.
By John Stepek Published
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How the tulip mania of 1636 became the mother of all bubbles
Features John Stepek looks at what really happened in the Dutch tulip mania of the 17th century, and asks what it can tell us about the financial system today.
By John Stepek Published
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A classic stockmarket horror story for October: the Panic of 1907
Features In the latest of his articles on history’s great financial disasters, John Stepek looks at what the Panic of 1907 can tell us about today’s markets.
By John Stepek Published
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What we can learn from the bond market crash of the late 1960s
Features John Stepek casts an eye back to the slow, painful bond market crash of 1967-71 to see what investors can learn about the current bond bubble.
By John Stepek Published
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What caused the stockmarket crash of 1987 – and could it happen again today?
Features The 1987 stockmarket crash was a surprise for many – but some did see it coming. John Stepek explains what caused it, and what it tells us about today’s markets.
By John Stepek Published
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The depression you've probably never heard of
Features The 1920/21 depression was a whopper, with US stocks falling by almost 50%. But now, it’s all but forgotten. John Stepek asks what we can learn from it.
By John Stepek Published
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What the South Sea Bubble can tell us about blockchain
Features The South Sea Bubble of 1720 arose out of an innovation in finance. Is blockchain heading down the same path, asks John Stepek.
By John Stepek Published
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How the credit crunch of 1966 set the tone for central banks
Features John Stepek looks back at the 1966 credit crunch – the first important financial crisis of the post-war period, which set an unhealthy pattern for the future.
By John Stepek Published