Five questions for: Markus Stripf of Spoon Guru

Spoon Guru helps people find the perfect foods for their dietary needs and health objectives.


Markus Stripf, co-CEO and co-founder of Spoon Guru

What does your business do?

Spoon Guru helps people find the perfect foods for their dietary needs and health objectives. Using a combination of artificial intelligence and machine learning with nutritional expertise, we've built a food search and discovery platform that determines every product or recipe's suitability for each individual. We started the company because we observed the frustration that people with specific dietary requirements encounter on a daily basis.

What is your greatest achievement?

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Our three greatest successes have been getting investment from people who believed in our mission; building a hardworking team of young people keen to make their mark in the industry through innovation; and licensing our technology to major retailers.

What has been your biggest challenge?

The highs and lows are much more pronounced when you operate a startup. Cashflow management is always a challenge as you have to function on a tight budget. Unexpectedly slow sales cycles can be difficult to navigate, as is selling change in conservative markets.

What are your plans for hitting your targets?

Firstly, expanding the team to bring even more innovation into the company. Secondly going into other territories. In 2019 we expanded into the United States, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand, andin 2020 we're aimingfor Asia, SouthAmerica and beyond. Thirdly, building more game-changing products on top of our pioneering platform.

What's the one piece of advice you'd give fellow entrepreneurs?

Always start with the why, not the what. Remember why you have decided to leave the safe environment of a permanent job to embark on this adventure. Don't lose sight of what droveyou in the first place. You have committedto solving a real problem. Not many people have the courage to do that.