Money Minute Tuesday 17 September: German economic sentiment and US industrial production

Tuesday's Money Minute looks at the latest snapshot of economic confidence in Germany and, from the US, the latest report on industrial production.

Welcome to Tuesday's Money Minute, where we preview the day's biggest financial stories.

Over in the eurozone this morning, we get the latest snapshot of economic confidence in Germany.

The ZEW indicator of economic sentiment measures how economists and analysts feel about the six-month outlook for the German economy.

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Confidence has been dropping for the past four months in a row. In August, the reading fell to its lowest level since the depths of the eurozone crisis in 2012.

Markets are expecting a small improvement this month, but with the German economy either in or close to recession, it can't be taken for granted.

Meanwhile, in the US, we get the latest report on industrial production. The trade war and slowing global demand has hit the manufacturing sector in America, just as it has the rest of the world.

The latest reading is unlikely to have much impact on the Federal Reserve's next interest rate decision which is due tomorrow but it will be watched closely for signs of further deterioration.