This week in MoneyWeek: The TV stocks to watch

In MoneyWeek this week: the golden age of television; emerging-market small-caps to buy now; and how to profit from dull metals.


In this week's MoneyWeek magazine, how to profit from the golden age of television; emerging-marketsmall-caps to buy now; and how to profit from dull metals. Plus, why you should set up a pension for your child; how landlords can vet prospective tenants; and five ways to build a better Brexit.

All that, plus much, much, more news and comment from politics, economics and the markets; share tips from our own experts and the rest of the UK's financial press; and five pages of travel, toys, wine and houses for sale. Sign up here.

Profit from the golden age of television

Not so very long ago there was precious little on the TV. Until 1992, for example, British TV boasted just three channels. By 1997, we had hit the heady heights of five. Now, says Matthew Partridge, things have changed beyond recognition. We've got Satellite TV, Cable TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime, various flavours of catch-up TV, and all manner of other streaming channels.

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The trouble for investors, says Matthew, is that none of the broadcasters look particularly appealing to investors. Netflix, for example, trades on over 200 times its earnings "eye-wateringly high", says Matthew. But, never fear, Matthew has identified another related sector that very much stands to benefit, and has identified six stocks to buy now to cash in. Find out what they are in this week's MoneyWeek magazine.

Big opportunities in emerging-market small-caps

For every £2 or £3 invested in emerging markets large-cap stocks, says David C Stevenson, "you might consider putting £1 to work to work on small caps". Small-caps are inevitably more volatile than their bigger cousins, but the counter to that is that "you should expect to pick up some extra return". They are a "perfect stock-pickers environment", which lends them well to inclusion in listed investment trusts. David has come up with a selection of funds, and one in particular that looks worth buying right now. Find out more

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Get excited by boring metals

Zinc is not a very exciting metal, says Dominic Frisby. It's not bright and shiny like gold, silver or titanium; has none of the "new-tech potential of lithium"; the "exotic quality of some little-known metal ending in -ium', or the market share of copper." But, along with lead, it's one of the most useful metals around.And, "dull as they may be, I'm excited about both of them", says Dominic. Zinc is the fourth most widely used metal in the world, and the market for it is worth around $38bn a year, while lead has a market of around $15bn. And right now, several factors are making Dominic bullish - especially about zinc. Find out what they are, and how Dominic thinks you should invest

, in this week's issue of MoneyWeek magazine.

Car insurance write-offs, get your child a pension, and building a "better Brexit"

If you crash your car "there is a strong chance that you may never see it again" says Emma Lunn. Every day, more than 1,000 cars are deemed a write off by insurance companies. But sometimes, cars that have minor damage but are otherwise roadworthy could be put back on the road with little fuss. Emma goes into the pros and cons of rehabilitating a written off motor.

Setting up a pension for your child might seem like a bit of a daft idea. But the magic of compound interest means a relatively modest outlay fairly early on in life could build up into quite a sizeable sum by the time your brood comes to retire. David Prosser does the sums and explains how to go about it.

"The serious business of negotiating Brexit will soon be underway", says Matthew Lynn. And business needs to "stop moaning" about the result of the referendum, "up its game" and start fighting for the sort of Brexit it would like to see. If it doesn't, "it will soon find that all the important decisions have already been made". Matthew outlines five good places for it to start.

As well as that, John Stepek explains why investors should ignore all the geopolitical strife; Alex Rankine examines the NHS funding gap; and Chris Carter delves into the world of collectable ceramics. All this and an awful lot more why not sign up now?

Ben Judge

Ben studied modern languages at London University's Queen Mary College. After dabbling unhappily in local government finance for a while, he went to work for The Scotsman newspaper in Edinburgh. The launch of the paper's website,, in the early years of the dotcom craze, saw Ben move online to manage the Business and Motors channels before becoming deputy editor with responsibility for all aspects of online production for The Scotsman, Scotland on Sunday and the Edinburgh Evening News websites, along with the papers' Edinburgh Festivals website.

Ben joined MoneyWeek as website editor in 2008, just as the Great Financial Crisis was brewing. He has written extensively for the website and magazine, with a particular emphasis on alternative finance and fintech, including blockchain and bitcoin. 

As an early adopter of bitcoin, Ben bought when the price was under $200, but went on to spend it all on foolish fripperies.