'Power grab' in Europe is the start of a big battle

David Cameron believes the European Parliament has engaged in a “power grab" with its nominatino of Jean-Claude Juncker’s probable as president of the European Commission.

Jean-Claude Juncker's probable election as president of the European Commission this weekend may have a seriousimpact on Britain's relationship with the European Union,says the Financial Times. "Many in London and Brussels fearMr Juncker's election could be remembered as the beginning of the end of Britain's membership in the EU."

Prime Minister David Cameron "has been fighting a furious campaign to block Mr Juncker, an unrepentant European federalist", says The Economist. Cameron dislikes the way that Juncker's election has been secured. A treaty change in 2010 means that heads of EU governments must nominate a candidate, who is then approved or rejected by the European Parliament.

As several leading legal academics noted in a letter to The Times, heads of government must "take into account the elections to the European Parliament" when they are nominating. Many Euro MPs believe that Juncker's election fairly reflects those election results Juncker was the "leadcandidate" of the largest political grouping in the parliament,the European Peoples' Party.

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But the appointment certainlydoesn't reflect increased support for eurosceptic parties(such as UKIP in the UK) across Europe. Cameron believes the parliament has engaged in a "power grab".

But without the backing of German Chancellor Angela Merkel which has not been forthcoming Cameron seems very likelyto lose. The former Irish prime minister, John Bruton, urgesCameron to take a conciliatory approach in The Guardian:"Once the vote is over Cameron should work with Juncker.He will find him to be a modest and unpretentious leader, witha sense of humour."

The trouble is, says The Daily Telegraph,that if Juncker becomes president, Cameron believes "he willprevent important reforms to the EU that could benefit the UKahead of an in-out referendum in 2017". Whatever happens,notes Gideon Rachman in the FT, "this is just an opening battlein a much bigger struggle over Britain's place in Europe".

Ed Bowsher

Ed has been a private investor since the mid-90s and has worked as a financial journalist since 2000. He's been employed by several investment websites including Citywire, breakingviews and The Motley Fool, where he was UK editor.


Ed mainly invests in technology shares, pharmaceuticals and smaller companies. He's also a big fan of investment trusts.


Away from work, Ed is a keen theatre goer and loves all things Canadian.


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