Serco chief raises stake

A round-up of the biggest director deals today so far.

Serco chief executive Christopher Hyman has bought shares and exercised options in the support services firm.

Hyman purchased 38,303 ordinary shares at a price of 404.50p per share, which are to be held as Investment Shares under the terms of the company's deferred bonus plan.

In addition, Hyman exercised nil cost options over 438,073 shares, granted to him under the Company's Long Term Incentive Schemes.

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He retained 105,000 shares, which have been transferred to Mrs Lianne Hyman. The balance of 333,073 shares was sold on market at a price of 400.75p per share, of which 207,031 were sold to settle Tax, NI and related costs.

Following these transactions, Hyman's beneficial interest has increased to 320,413.

"Mr Hyman has now also fully satisfied the Company's share ownership requirement of two times base salary," said the group.

Top Director Buys

Value: £154,936

Value: £28,000

Value: £22,920

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Value: £505,176

Value: £172,973

Value: £128,743

Value: £80,724

Value: £79,027

Value: £71,750

Value: £43,755