Enterprise Inns bosses take profits

A round-up of the biggest director deals today so far.

Directors at tenanted pub group Enterprise Inns have taken the opportunity to pocket some profits following a strong rally in the firm's share price.

Chief executive Ted Tuppen sold 300,000 shares at 167.01p a time, or a total of about £500,000, leaving him with just under 2.9m shares in the firm.

The share price of Enterprise Inns has rallied strongly since December when Tuppen bought 185,000 shares at 71.9p a time.

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It received a boost last month when it updated the market, saying that its underlying trading performance appears to be stabilising, with the rate of decline in beer sales reducing. The firm, which rents out thousands of pubs across England and Wales, has sold nearly 300 pubs this year as it seeks to balance its books.

Tuppen was joined in his latest sale by chief operating officer Simon Townsend, who also bought a big chunk back in December. He today sold 67,500 shares at 172.7p a time.

Top Director Buys

Value: £51,625

Value: £24,000

Value: £10,998

Top Director Sells

Value: £1,341,000

Value: £501,000

Value: £116,574

Value: $22,891