Thorntons finance director to step down

Chocolatier Thorntons today announced its finance director Mark Robson is to step down in March 2012 in order to take up a position with a private equity owned company.

Chocolatier Thorntons today announced its finance director Mark Robson is to step down in March 2012 in order to take up a position with a private equity owned company.

Chief executive Jonathan Hart said the search for his successor has been initiated.

"Mark has played an important role over the past two years in improving our business and laying the foundations for our long term, transformational strategy," Hart said.

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Robson joined Thorntons in November 2009 after working for Somerfield, now part of the Co-operative, where he was finance director.

Last month Thorntons reported a 7.6% drop in sales during the fourteen weeks to 1 October as it continues to battle against the tough retail environment.

