Galliford Try lands a ton of affordable housing contracts

Galliford Try, the housebuilding and construction group, has secured a parcel of contacts in the affordable housing sector, two of which are in the East End of London, near the Olympic stadium.

Galliford Try, the housebuilding and construction group, has secured a parcel of contacts in the affordable housing sector, two of which are in the East End of London, near the Olympic stadium.

The contracts are worth around £100m in total.

The first is for Gallions Quarter development in East London, and follows on from Galliford Try's selection as preferred bidder for this development back in July of last year.

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The £23m contract will see Galliford Try construct 170 homes in the second phase of the 700-home development, which also includes commercial and retail premises as part of a major regeneration programme of the area commissioned by the London Development Agency.

Elsewhere in the East End of London, mayor approval has been granted for the £52m redevelopment of the old St Clement's hospital site in Mile End. The plan here is to build 223 homes, including 54 so-called affordable homes.

Two other rewards relate to Galliford Try's Partnerships business being named preferred bidder by the Festival Housing Association.

The first of these is to build a new £11.8m retirement village in Malvern, Worcestershire, which will comprise 101 flats.

The other contract is for a £12m contract to build 165 homes for Northumberland County Council across two sites at Blyth and South Newsham.

Finally, the Homes and Communities Agency has confirmed Galliford Try as the successful bidder for the regeneration of Blackberry Hill Hospital in Bristol.