Graphene NanoChem adds Petron Fuel International to list of customers

Graphene NanoChem, the nanotechnology and advanced materials company, has added Petron Fuel International Sdn Bhd, one of the largest supplier of fuels and petroleum products to the Malaysian market, to its list of customers.

Graphene NanoChem, the nanotechnology and advanced materials company, has added Petron Fuel International Sdn Bhd, one of the largest supplier of fuels and petroleum products to the Malaysian market, to its list of customers.

The first delivery of PlatAmber, the group's palm waste based biofuel for the Malaysian market commenced last week, the group added.

Jespal Deol, Chief Executive Officer of Graphene NanoChem commented: "We are excited by the addition of Petron to our customers' list.

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"This is a major development milestone for the group in our planned expansion and we are focused on building our delivery capabilities to service ongoing demand. We look forward to updating the market with further positive developments in the near term."

Shares in Graphene NanoChem were unchanged at 118p at 09:04 on Wednesday.