GKN wins contract to manufacture horizontal stabilizer for 787-9

GKN Aerospace has been awarded a contract, by Boeing, to supply complex machined titanium and aluminium parts and assemblies for the horizontal stabiliser of the 787-9 Dreamliner.

GKN Aerospace has been awarded a contract, by Boeing, to supply complex machined titanium and aluminium parts and assemblies for the horizontal stabiliser of the 787-9 Dreamliner.

Manufacture and assembly work will be undertaken at GKN Aerospace facilities in Long Island, NY, and St. Louis, MO, USA, the company has announced today in a press release.

Kevin Cummings, chief executive officer - GKN Aerospace, North America comments: "This new package of work extends our significant participation with Boeing on the Dreamliner programme, notably in supplying key titanium and aluminium components. The addition of assembly activity as part of this contract enables us to deliver structure to Boeing for direct installation onto the airframe."

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