Sound Oil reports success of initial operation at Repagnano

Sound Oil, an oil and gas company based in Italy, has reported the success of its initial operation at the Rapagnano field, where flow rates and pressure are in line with its expectations.

Sound Oil, an oil and gas company based in Italy, has reported the success of its initial operation at the Rapagnano field, where flow rates and pressure are in line with its expectations.

The firm said that once it had cleared the site the Rapagnano-1 well was re-entered and it was able to complete the necessary operations.

The well was flowing at a confirmed stabilised rate of 0.5m standard cubic feet per day.

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The gas is also confirmed as dry, with no trace of water from the reservoir, the group added.

James Parsons, Sound Oil's Chief Executive Officer, said: "The company continues on track to achieve the strategic milestone of first commercial gas, having successfully re-entered the well and established a stable flow rate. This initial cash inflow will make a substantial contribution to overhead costs and permanently establishes the Company as a gas producer.

"This is the first step in building a track record of operational success. The company will now focus on finalising the well test and preparing for the forthcoming Nervesa appraisal well."

Following the well test the company plans to demobilise the equipment to enable the construction of a short export pipeline to the nearby distribution grid

It expects first commercial production by the end of January 2013.

The share price rose 1.52% to 8.38p by 09:20.