Small Cap Stocks
The latest news, updates and opinions on Small Cap Stocks from the expert team here at MoneyWeek
Valuing penny shares that don't make any money
Tutorials David Thornton outlines some things to think about when valuing a company that has never made a profit and may never have made a sale.
By David Thornton Published
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Why small-cap shares beat large
Features Returns from investing in successful small companies are consistently better than returns from investing in large companies. Small-cap expert David Thornton explains why, and how you can get in on the action.
By David Thornton Published
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Why you should buy small-cap stocks if you want to beat the market
Features Some investment styles really do genuinely seem to work better than others over time. And one of those is investing in small-cap stocks. Here's why.
By David Thornton Published
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How to buy and sell penny shares
Features Small-cap stock expert David Thornton explains the ins and outs of investing in penny shares.
By David Thornton Published
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The first rule of IPOs – and how Kromek broke it
Features When floating a company on the stock market, it's vital to make sure you can keep the promises you make, says David Thornton.
By moneyweek Published
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The fastest growing company in history - but is WhatsApp worth $19bn?
Features The billions Facebook shelled out for WhatsApp is testimony to the growing importance of mobile internet, says David Thornton.
By moneyweek Published
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Five small-cap stocks worth a flutter
Tutorials You can now pop Aim shares in your Isa to shelter gains from tax. That would be a good idea for these five promising companies, says Ed Bowsher.
By Ed Bowsher Published
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Take advantage of recovery in Europe with these six small-cap stocks
Opinion The bull-run in European small-caps is far from over, says fund manager Jim Campbell. Here, he tips six stocks to buy now.
By Jim Campbell Published
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Tiny companies can deliver epic returns – here’s how to invest in them
Features The smallest companies often deliver the biggest returns for investors. And companies don’t come much smaller than ‘nano’ caps. Ed Bowsher picks the best ways for you to invest.
By Ed Bowsher Published