Braemar boss splashes out

A round-up of the biggest director deals today so far.

Braemar Shipping Services chief executive Alan Marsh spent more than £60,000 on shares in the company today.

He bought 25,000 shares at 243p a time and gave 10,000 of them to his adult children.

He now owns some 1.22m shares in the firm, which is about 5.8%.

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Marsh, a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, helped found Braemar Shipbrokers, which later became Braemar Shipping Services, in 1983.

Top Director Buys

Value: £112,500

Value: £60,750

Value: £60,614

Value: £33,000

Value: £26,310

Value: £10,350

Top Director Sells

Value: £31,278