Stobart ships in new deputy CEO

Logistics, warehousing and biomass group, Stobart, has announced the appointment of a new deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as part of a boardroom shake-up.

Logistics, warehousing and biomass group, Stobart, has announced the appointment of a new deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as part of a boardroom shake-up.

Avril Palmer-Baunack, who joined the group after the acquisition of Autologic Holdings in June, has got the deputy CEO gig as well being promoted to the board.

William Stobart has been re-appointed as an executive director and will also rejoin the board.

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Richard Butcher becomes Chief Executive Officer of Stobart Estates while retaining his Company Secretary role.

Rodney Baker-Bates, Chairman of Stobart, said of the reshuffle: "With the recent acquisition of Autologic, we have been fortunate to secure the services of Avril Palmer-Baunack, who has a considerable depth of experience in the public company market and in the automotive sector in particular.

"We are also pleased to welcome back to the board William Stobart, who can now devote more of his time to wider operational issues after completing much of the restructuring work in the Transport division."