Rolls-Royce to upgrade engines for the US Air Force

Power systems giant Rolls-Royce has announced that it will soon begin flight tests of an engine upgrade for the US Air Force's T56 turboprop engine, which is expected to deliver 'significant benefits' to the fleet of C-130H transport aircraft.

Power systems giant Rolls-Royce has announced that it will soon begin flight tests of an engine upgrade for the US Air Force's T56 turboprop engine, which is expected to deliver 'significant benefits' to the fleet of C-130H transport aircraft.

The enhancements (Series 3.5 upgrade), which include "new blade materials and advance turbine airfoil aerodynamic designs", are expected to enable the aircraft to continue operation until 2040 while delivering fuel savings of 8%, along with improved reliability and performance.

"We recognise the US Air Force has a goal of improving energy efficiency, and Rolls-Royce has invested to help this valued customer meet its goal," said Patricia O'Connell, President of the Customer Business of Rolls-Royce Defense.

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"In doing so, we improved engine reliability and performance, which will enable the Air Force to extend the life of its C-130 fleet for decades while potentially saving billions of dollars," she said.

The Air Force expects long-term savings of $3.5bn from the Series 3.5 upgrade over the lifetime of the fleet. The enhancements are part of its effort to cut aviation fuel consumption by 10% by 2015.