LSE expects solid year

Bourses operator London Stock Exchange reported a 'continued good operational performance' in the eleven months to February 29th and said it should meet expectations of strong results for the full-year.

Bourses operator London Stock Exchange reported a 'continued good operational performance' in the eleven months to February 29th and said it should meet expectations of strong results for the full-year.

Average daily equity value in the UK declined by 2% year-on-year, while Italian volumes rose 2%. Its pan-European trading venture Turquoise saw trading jump 54%.

Some £34.6bn in total equity was raised on its markets during the period, down from the £37.4bn the year before as a result of fewer new issues, 144 compared with 167.

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Net treasury income, the interest LSE charges for deposits through its clearing business, has "remained strong" in the fourth quarter and is expected to beat third-quarter levels even after reductions in deposit interest rates achieved in March.

Shares were up 1.28% at 1,031p in early trading on Friday.