Essar Energy gets power plant onto transmission grid

Essar Energy, the India-focused integrated energy company, says the first of two 255 megawatt (MW) units at its Vadinar Phase 2 power plant has been synchronised with the transmission grid.

Essar Energy, the India-focused integrated energy company, says the first of two 255 megawatt (MW) units at its Vadinar Phase 2 power plant has been synchronised with the transmission grid.

Vadinar, which is coal fired, is one of three power plants being completed by Essar Energy during 2012.

The 1,200MW Salaya I project has already been commissioned and is commercially operational, while the 1,200MW Mahan I project is expected to be synchronised shortly.

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Most of the power generated by Vadinar P2 will be sold to Essar Oil's refinery at Vadinar, which the firm says will see improved margins because of the relatively lower cost of coal-fired generation.

Essar says work is "ongoing" to get the second 255 MW unit online.