Clarke on track to meet targets

T.Clarke, the building services group, has performed well during the period from 1 July to 10 November, while results for the full year are set to be in line with market expectations.

T.Clarke, the building services group, has performed well during the period from 1 July to 10 November, while results for the full year are set to be in line with market expectations.

The firm's order book has remained strong and stands at around £187m, £7m higher than in November 2010.

In a statement the company said that it expects conditions in the construction sector to remain "bumpy" in the short term.

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"Across the UK we continue to focus on the diversity of our businesses which has allowed us to make sensible progress with our strategy to broaden the range of services that we offer. We are confident that this will enable us to increase our market share of quality work in the medium term."

The share price rose 4.24% to 43p by 08:59.