Regus joins forces with Swiss train operator

Office space provider Regus has formed a new partnership with Swiss train operator SBB, which will open temporary-use workspaces, offices and meeting rooms - called SBB Businesspoints - at Berne and Geneva stations.

Office space provider Regus has formed a new partnership with Swiss train operator SBB, which will open temporary-use workspaces, offices and meeting rooms - called SBB Businesspoints - at Berne and Geneva stations.

The Berne SBB Businesspoint will open in spring 2013, and the Geneva Businesspoint about one year later.

The centres will offer a variety of meeting rooms, offices and workspace, all of which can be booked at short notice, and on a flexible basis. The meeting rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and seat up to 36 people.

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The idea behind the concept is that it will allow business people to work more effectively on the move, and reflects the predicted rise in the number of mobile workers to 1.2bn globally by the end of 2013.

Christophe Rechsteiner, Regus Country Manager for Switzerland, said: "People are increasingly working flexibly and on the go, but they still need professional workspaces where they can focus, meet, use wi-fi, print and prepare for meetings.

"By joining with SBB, as we have done with other leading European rail operators such as SNCF and NS Trains, we're offering workers the option to do all those things at Switzerland's busiest train stations. This is a practical contribution to both individuals and businesses, enabling them to gain time, work better and work more productively."

Investors appeared to be less than impressed by the idea, as the share price fell 1.86% to 100.10p by 12:47.