3Legs shows good turn of foot

Recovery stock 3Legs Resources is seeing much improved oil flow at its Lebien LE-2H horizontal well in northern Poland.

Recovery stock 3Legs Resources is seeing much improved oil flow at its Lebien LE-2H horizontal well in northern Poland.

The well has flowed continuously and unassisted at a rate of between 560m and 780m standard cubic feet per day (scf/d) of natural gas over an eight-day period since October 29th, which represents a significant improvement on the result achieved when the well was first tested in 2011 where the well flowed, with the assistance of a nitrogen lift, at a rate of between 450 and 520 mscf/d over an eight-day period prior to being shut in. Furthermore, the well now flows without the assistance of a nitrogen lift, an operation often used to bring a previously flowing well back on production.

The plan is to continue further testing of the well in order to determine a stabilised flow rate and to gather additional data on well performance.

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